PoSoCoMeS @MSA 2024

At the upcoming Memory Studies Association’s conference which will take place in Lima (Peru) on 18-20 July 2024, PoSoCoMeS will be represented by four panels and a roundtable discussion.


Diálogos entre Europa del Este y América Latina: Reflexiones sobre el Pasado

  1. Gruia Badescu
  2. Carolina Aguilera Insunza
  3. Mischa Gabowitsch
  4. Alejandra Naftal
  5. Constantin Iordachi


Visual representations of war and genocide in (and of) Eastern Europe

ChairUte Hirsekorn

  1. Nevena Daković. WHOSE MEMORY IT IS?  Cinematic memories of Holocaust in Yugoslavia
  2. Anna Topolska. Press Photography from the War in Ukraine: the Regained Power of the Image?
  3. Valentyna Kharkun. War on display: exhibiting the Russian-Ukrainian war in Ukrainian museums
  4. Boris Noordenbos. Spectacles of Invisibility: Conspiratorial Memory and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Memory Entanglements in Post-socialist Europe

Chair: Petra Hudek

  1. Liucija Verveckiene. Shifting discourse(s) on collaboration with the occupant regime: Lithuanian case
  2. Monica Ciobanu. Historical Misrepresentation and Legal Injustice: the Case of Gheorghe Ursu
  3. Maria Plichta. On “cursed land”: Mobilising memory and affect in narratives of suspicion around the Smoleńsk catastrophe
  4. Anna Greszta. Beautiful Faraway? Victory Day, Russo-Ukrainian War and Time-Traveling on TikTok  

Memory, politics of memory and public space in times of transition

Chair: Anna Topolska

  1. Ute Hirsekorn. Transitions in GDR and East German Memory: Memories of GDR elites in unified German Memory from a Post-Socialist Perspective
  2. Georgyi Kassianov. Deja vu? Cultural memory in the post-Soviet transit: a comparison of the Russian and Ukrainian cases
  3. Oldřich Tůma. Never ending transition. Political changes in the 20th century Czechoslovakia/Czechia and their reflection in public space
  4. Paula O’Donohoe. What happens with monuments during political transitions?

Army of Lenins: The Memory of Lenin Monuments in Public Space in Transitions

Chair: Valentyna Kharkun

  1. Mykola Homanyuk. Monuments to Lenin in Occupied Ukraine: A Political Memory Landscape during the Russian-Ukrainian War
  2. Petra Hudek. Looking for Lenin. The Fate of Lenin Monuments in Czechoslovak Public Space after the Velvet Revolution of 1989
  3. Ana Lolua. Monuments to Stalin – between high Stalinism and Destalinization
  4. Julie Deschepper. Monumental Lenin in Russia. Immobile Materialities and Flexible Memories