PoSoCoMeS @MSA 2024
At the upcoming Memory Studies Association’s conference which will take place in Lima (Peru) on 18-20 July 2024, PoSoCoMeS will be represented by four panels and a roundtable discussion.
Diálogos entre Europa del Este y América Latina: Reflexiones sobre el Pasado
- Gruia Badescu
- Carolina Aguilera Insunza
- Mischa Gabowitsch
- Alejandra Naftal
- Constantin Iordachi
Visual representations of war and genocide in (and of) Eastern Europe
Chair: Ute Hirsekorn
- Nevena Daković. WHOSE MEMORY IT IS? Cinematic memories of Holocaust in Yugoslavia
- Anna Topolska. Press Photography from the War in Ukraine: the Regained Power of the Image?
- Valentyna Kharkun. War on display: exhibiting the Russian-Ukrainian war in Ukrainian museums
- Boris Noordenbos. Spectacles of Invisibility: Conspiratorial Memory and the Russo-Ukrainian War
Memory Entanglements in Post-socialist Europe
Chair: Petra Hudek
- Liucija Verveckiene. Shifting discourse(s) on collaboration with the occupant regime: Lithuanian case
- Monica Ciobanu. Historical Misrepresentation and Legal Injustice: the Case of Gheorghe Ursu
- Maria Plichta. On “cursed land”: Mobilising memory and affect in narratives of suspicion around the Smoleńsk catastrophe
- Anna Greszta. Beautiful Faraway? Victory Day, Russo-Ukrainian War and Time-Traveling on TikTok
Memory, politics of memory and public space in times of transition
Chair: Anna Topolska
- Ute Hirsekorn. Transitions in GDR and East German Memory: Memories of GDR elites in unified German Memory from a Post-Socialist Perspective
- Georgyi Kassianov. Deja vu? Cultural memory in the post-Soviet transit: a comparison of the Russian and Ukrainian cases
- Oldřich Tůma. Never ending transition. Political changes in the 20th century Czechoslovakia/Czechia and their reflection in public space
- Paula O’Donohoe. What happens with monuments during political transitions?
Army of Lenins: The Memory of Lenin Monuments in Public Space in Transitions
Chair: Valentyna Kharkun
- Mykola Homanyuk. Monuments to Lenin in Occupied Ukraine: A Political Memory Landscape during the Russian-Ukrainian War
- Petra Hudek. Looking for Lenin. The Fate of Lenin Monuments in Czechoslovak Public Space after the Velvet Revolution of 1989
- Ana Lolua. Monuments to Stalin – between high Stalinism and Destalinization
- Julie Deschepper. Monumental Lenin in Russia. Immobile Materialities and Flexible Memories