PoSoCoMeS at the MSA conference, 3-7 July 2023, Newcastle
On July 3-7, 2023, the Memory Studies Association (MSA) organizes its 7th annual conference in Newcastle, United Kingdom, under the title “Communities and Change“.
At this conference, PoSoCoMeS, the MSA’s working group on post-socialist and comparative memory studies, is proposing a special stream titled
“Decolonization/Deindustrialization: Global Postsocialist Perspectives on Memory, Space, and Time”
Please find the CfP on the event page. Deadline: 10 September 2022.
We welcome proposals of full panels that engage with the topics and questions listed in the CfP from memory studies perspectives and a range of postsocialist perspectives and experiences. Please send us an abstract for your proposed panel, the names of the panelists (4 participants and a chair/discussant) and titles of the papers by 10 September. We also accept proposals of individual papers and will do our best to create panels based on submissions.
Please note that the MSA conference is organized as an on-site event and online participation or hybrid panels cannot be scheduled.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your ideas, feel free to get in touch with Ksenia Robbe (k.robbe@rug.nl) and Daria Khlevnyuk (daria.khlevnyuk@gmail.com) before 10 September.