Dr. Monika Palmberger
Elise Richter Research Fellow, Associated Research Fellow Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre, University of Leuven, Co-founder of the Digital Ethnography Inititative
Monika Palmberger holds a PhD from the University of Oxford (2011), for which she conducted long-term fieldwork on memory and generation in post-war Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presently she holds an Elise Richter Fellowship at the University of Vienna and is a Research Fellow at the Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre at the University of Leuven. She is PI of the REFUGEeICT – Multi-local Care and the Use of Information and Communication Technologies Among Refugees’ project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Between 2015 and 2018 she was Hertha Firnberg Fellow and PI of the the project ‘Placing Memories: Ageing Labour Migrants in Vienna’ also funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). And between 2008 and 2015 she was Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen researching experiences of transnational aging and care among first generation migrants in Vienna. During the academic year 2016/2017 she held a visiting professorship at the Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre at the University of Leuven.
Monika Palmberger is member of the editorial board of the Journal Media and Communication and co-founder of the Digital Ethnography Initiative. From 2015-2019 she was spokesperson of the “Working Group Migration” of the German Association of Social and Cultural Anthropologists, since 2017 she has been the spokesperson of the “Age and Generations Network” of the European Associations of Social Anthropologists and the Spokesperson of the “Working Group Migration and Memory” of the Memory Studies Association. She is also member of the Refugee Outreach & Research Network and the German Network of Refugee Researchers.
Palmberger’s work has been published in numerous international peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Space and Polity, Identities and Focaal. Furthermore, she is the author of the books ‘How Generations Remember: Conflicting Histories and Shared Memories in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina’ (Palgrave Macmillan 2016), ‘Memories on the Move: Experiencing Mobility, Rethinking the Past’ (Palgrave Macmillan 2016, with Jelena Tosic) and ‘Care Across Distance: Ethnographic Explorations of Aging and Migration’ (Berghahn 2018, with Azra Hromadzic).
Dr. Cathrine Bublatzky
Assistant Professor to the Chair of Visual and Media Anthropology, Postdoctoral Fellow, Baden Württemberg Foundation, Speaker of Scientific Network “Entangled Histories of Art and Migration: Forms, Visibilities, Agents/Verflochtene Geschichten von Kunst und Migration: Formen, Sichtbarkeiten, Akteure” (DFG)
As a trained photographer Cathrine Bublatzky received her Magister degree in Anthropology with a focus on South-Asian and Visual Anthropology Studies at the South-Asia Institute, Heidelberg University in 2008. Since then she has been a member of the Cluster ‘Asia and Europe in a global Context. The Dynamics of Transculturality’ and is currently working as assistant professor to the Chair of Visual and Media Anthropology at the Cluster. In May 2014 Cathrine Bublatzky finished her dissertation project on contemporary art from India entitled “Along the ‘Indian Highway’: An Ethnography of an International Travelling Exhibition”.
In 2016 Cathrine Bublatzky was awarded with a fellowship in the ELITE Postdoctoral Program by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung for her research project Contemporary photography as a cultural practice by diasporic Iranians in Europe (2017-2020).
Cathrine Bublatzky has successfully applied for a Scientific Network “Entangled Histories of Art and Migration: Forms, Visibilities, Agents” funded by the German Research Foundation (duration 3 years).In close cooperation with her colleagues Prof. Burcu Dogramaci (LMU, Munich) and Prof. Kerstin Pinther (LMU, Munich), this network emerges from the interdisciplinary working group ‘Art Production and Art Theory in the Age of Global Migration’ of which she has been co-speaker for the years 2016 – 2018.
Ph.D. Project (defense in spring 2014) “Indian Contemporary Art in a Transnational Context – An Ethnography on Art with Focus on the Travelling Exhibition ‘Indian Highway’”.
In her teaching (BA and MA level in Transcultural Studies, Anthropology and South Asian Studies) she focuses on theories and methods in Visual and Media Anthropology, Art Anthropology, Photography, Popular Culture, Urban and Migration Studies with a regional focus on Europe, South Asia and the Middle East.
Her seminars are often research based to support students to gain experiences and insights in applied anthropology.
In summer term 2019 Cathrine Bublatzky conducts a seminar entitled “Postmigration Urbanity and the city of Heidelberg” that takes place in cooperation with the local network-activist group Migration Hub and the Roadto_ Initiative.
Besides she has a strong interest in Digital Humanities and its role in Anthropological writing, and works in close cooperation with the Heidelberg Research Architecture at the Cluster of Excellence. She is a member of several projects and cooperations and succesfully co-applied for a funding by Heidelberg University (WS 2013 – SoSe 2015) to develop a concept of research based teaching with digital research environments. From 2013 to 2015, Cathrine Bublatzky taught four seminars, all of which were funded by the “Welcome to Research” programme.