The Memory and Migration Group unites researchers from different countries and fields of scientific knowledge. The research interests are related to the study of the impact of migration processes on the practices of preservation, transformation, transferring and actualization of personal and collective memories. As migration plays a fundamental role in the field of memory studies, the Memory and Migration Group aims to raise awareness of different regional, temporal and historical frameworks of migration and how these require reflective approaches in the study of memory cultures. The group members are involved not only in the study of memories of migration, but also in the study of memories for or against migration. They pay great attention to the study of migration of memories. A special place in the group’s research is devoted to the study of memory and forgetting practices among refugees, as well as the place and role of politics of memory of host societies in relation to migrant communities and their memory cultures. The Memory and Migration working group invites scholars and experts to explore these topics by focusing on a variety of practices, images, artefacts, and performances. Our aim is to form a long-term working group that collaborates on different projects and publications.
Online Panel – 12th July, 2022 (10 – 12 CET)
Memory and Solidarity in migratory contexts. Work-in-Progress and Future perspectives
This panel asks about the intersections between memory and solidarity with a special interest in individuals and groups living in migrant, diasporic or exile contexts. Memory and solidarity are thereby understood in their transnational significance for practices of identification and belonging. The contributors shed light on facets of these intersections from disciplinary backgrounds in anthropology, sociology and communication/media studies. Based on insights from ongoing projects, the panel touches upon questions on the study of biographical memory and media studies, the role of digital citizenship and transnational activism, and network activities in the production of memory and solidarity. As migration plays a fundamental role in the field of memory studies, the discussion aims to raise awareness of the different regional, temporal and historical frameworks of migration and how these require reflective approaches in the study of memory cultures.
MSA conference in Warsaw
We are pleased to say that the Memory & Arts Working Group will be represented with five panels at the forthcoming MSA conference in Warsaw. Some [...]
Baltic Worlds
We are glad to share the news about Baltic Worlds journal Special Issue “Confronting Muted Memories: Reading Silences, Entangling Histories” which was published in January 2021. [...]
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