The working group curates a ‘living’ bibliography of academic publications relevant to the study of memory and activism. If you know of any publications that should be added please send them (in APA format) to the working group chairs (details on the WG home page).
Belia, V. (2024). Redrawing the lesbian: The memory of lesbian feminism in Kate Charlesworth’s Sensible Footwear: A Girl’s Guide. Memory Studies, DOI:
Chidgey, R. & Garde-Hansen, J. (2024). Museums, Archives and Protest Memory. Palgrave Macmillan, DOI: https://doi-org/10.1007/978-3-031-44478-4
Forchieri, S. (2024). Remembering for the Future: Feminicide Literary Narratives and the Formation of Feminist Collective Subjects. Memory Studies, DOI:
Rigney, A. & Salerno, D. (Eds.). (2024). Archiving Activism in the Digital Age. Institute of Network Cultures,
Belia, V. (2023). A Game of Pank-A-Squith: Remembering Women’s Social and Political Union in Sally Heathcote: Suffragette. MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture, 10
Gutman, Y. & Wüstenburg, J. (Eds.). (2023). The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism. Routledge, DOI: https://doi-org/10.4324/9781003127550
Kosmina, B. (2023). Feminist Afterlives of the Witch: Popular Culture, Memory, Activism. Palgrave Macmillan, DOI:
Rigney, A. & Smits, T. (Eds.). (2023). The Visual Memory of Protest. Amsterdam University Press, DOI:
Salerno, D. (2023). An Instituting Archive for Memory Activism: The Archivo de la Memoria Trans de Argentina. Memory Studies, 0, DOI: https://doi-org/10.1177/17506980221150900
Salerno, D. & van de Warenburg, M. (2023). ‘Bella ciao’: A Portable Monument for Transnational Activism. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 26 (2), DOI:
Vlessing, C. (2023). Reparative Remembrance: Feminist Mobilizations of Louise Michel, Emma Goldman, and Sylvia Pankhurst. Social History/Histoire Sociale, 56 (116), DOI:
Deim, R. (2022) Entanglements of Art and Memory Activism in Hungary’s Illiberal Democracy. In I. Saloul, P. Violi, A.M. Lorusso, C. Demaria (Eds.), Spaces of Memory: Heritage, Trauma, and Art. International Journal of Heritage, Memory and Conflict, 61-75, DOI:
Erbil, D. (2022) The Making of a Young Martyr: Discursive Legacies of the Turkish “Youth Myth” in the Afterlife of Deniz Gezmiş. In F. Krawatzek & N. Friess (Eds.), Youth and Memory in Europe: Defining the Past, Shaping the Future, 113-126, DOI:
Fridman, O. (2022). Memory Activism and Digital Practices after Conflict: Unwanted Memories. Amsterdam University Press, DOI:
Rigney, A. (2022). Toxic Monuments and Mnemonic Regime Change. Studies on National Movements (SNM), 9, 7-41,
Alonso, A. D., & Nienass, B. (2021). Memory Activism and Mexico’s War on Drugs: Countermonuments, Resistance, and the Politics of Time. Latin American Research Review, 56(2), 353-370, DOI:
Forster, L. C. (2021). Radical Commemoration, the Politics of the Street, and the 150th Anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871. History Workshop Journal, 92, 83-105. Oxford Academic, DOI:
Göpffarth, J. (2021). Activating the Socialist Past for a Nativist Future: Far-right Intellectuals and the Prefigurative Power of Multidirectional Nostalgia in Dresden. Social Movement Studies, 20(1), 57-74, DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2020.1722628
Gutman, Y., & Wüstenberg, J. (2021). Challenging the Meaning of the Past From Below: A Typology For Comparative Research on Memory Activists. Memory Studies, 1-17, DOI:
Jackson, S. (2021). Making #BlackLivesMatter in the Shadow of Selma: Collective Memory and Racial Justice Activism in U.S. News, Communication, Culture and Critique, 14(3), 385-404, DOI:
Smits, T. (2021). A Network of Photographs: The Visual Public Memory of the Dutch Provo Movement, 1967–2016. Memory Studies, 15(1), 184-203, DOI: 10.1177/17506980211037282
Vlessing, C. (2021). Campaigns to Remember: Writing in the Afterlives of Sylvia Pankhurst, Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, 17(2), DOI:
Hepworth, A. (2020). Memory Activism Across Borders: The Transformative Influence of the Argentinean Franco Court Case and Activist Protest Movements on Spain’s Recovery of Historical Memory. Agency in Transnational Memory Politics. New York: Berghahn, 92-112.
Merrill, S., Keightley, E., & Daphi, P. (Eds.). (2020). Social Movements, Cultural Memory and Digital Media: Mobilising Mediated Remembrance. Springer Nature, DOI:
Merrill, S., & Lindgren, S. (2020). The Rhythms of Social Movement Memories: The Mobilization of Silvio Meier’s Activist Remembrance Across Platforms. Social Movement Studies, 19(5-6), 657-674, DOI:
Rigney, A. (2020). Mediations of Outrage: How Violence Against Protestors is Remembered. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 87(3), 707-733
Stoltz, P. (2020). Gender, Resistance and Transnational Memories of Violent Conflicts. Palgrave Macmillan, DOI:
Daphi, P., & Zamponi, L. (2019). Exploring the Movement-Memory Nexus: Insights and Ways Forward. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 24(4), 399-417, DOI:
Bisht, P. (2018). Social Movements and the Scaling of Memory and Justice in Bhopal. Contemporary South Asia, 26(1), 18-33, DOI:
Chidgey, R. (2018). Feminist Afterlives: Assemblage Memory in Activist Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Crozier-De Rosa, S., & Mackie, V. (2018). Remembering Women’s Activism. Routledge.
Della Porta, D., Andretta, M., Fernandes, T., Romanos, E., & Vogiatzoglou, M. (2018). Legacies and Memories in Movements: Justice and Democracy in Southern Europe. Oxford University Press.
Fridman, O. (2018). “Too Young to Remember Determined Not to Forget”: Memory Activists Engaging With Returning ICTY Convicts. International Criminal Justice Review, 28(4), 423–437, DOI:
Griffin, C. J., & McDonagh, B. (2018). Remembering Protest in Britain since 1500: Memory, Materiality and the Landscape. Palgrave Macmillan.
Merrill, S. (2018). The Dead are Coming: Political Performance Art, Activist Remembrance and Dig(ital) Protests. In A. Breed & T. Prentki (Eds.), Performance and Civic Engagement. Palgrave Macmillan. 159-186
Rigney, A. (2018). Remembering Hope: Transnational Activism Beyond the Traumatic. Memory Studies, 11(3), 368–380.
Smit, R., Heinrich, A., & Broersma, M. (2018). Activating the Past in the Ferguson Protests: Memory Work, Digital Activism and the Politics of Platforms. New Media & Society, 20(9), 3119-3139.
Zamponi, L. (2018). Social Movements, Memory and Media: Narrative in Action in the Italian and Spanish Student Movements. Palgrave Macmillan.
Baumgarten, B. (2017). The Children of the Carnation Revolution? Connections between Portugal’s Anti-austerity Movement and the Revolutionary Period 1974/1975. Social Movement Studies, 16(1), 51-63.
Blom, T., & Bower, M. (2017). Social Media Archiving: Cultural Memory and Digital Community Activism. In E. Buchheim & S. Bultman (Eds.), Yearbook of Women’s History: Gender and Archiving. Uitgeverij Verloren
Daphi, P. (2017). Becoming a Movement. Identity, Narrative and Memory in the European Global Justice Movement. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
Gutman, Y. (2017). Memory Activism: Reimagining the Past for the Future in Israel-Palestine. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
Besley, J. (2016) ‘Speaking To, With and About’: Cherbourg Women’s Memory of Domestic Work as Activist Counter-memory, Continuum, 30(3), 316-325, DOI:
Rigney, A. (2016). Differential Memorability and Transnational Activism: Bloody Sunday, 1887–2016. Australian Humanities Review, 59, 77-95.
Chidgey, R. (2015). ‘A Modest Reminder’: Performing Suffragette Memory in a British Feminist Webzine. In A. Reading & T. Katriel (Eds.), Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles: Powerful Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 52-70
Katriel, T., & Gutman, Y. (2015). The Wall Must Fall: Memory Activism, Documentary Fillmmaking and the Second Intifada. In A. Reading & T. Katriel (Eds.), Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles: Powerful Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 205-225
Pearce, S. C. (2015). Who Owns a Movement’s Memory? The Case of Poland’s Solidarity. In A. Reading & T. Katriel (Eds.), Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles: Powerful Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 166-187
Reading, A., & Katriel, T. (Eds.). (2015). Cultural Memories of Nonviolent Struggles: Powerful Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Before 2015
Armstrong, E. A., & Crage, S. M. (2006). Movements and memory: The Making of the Stonewall Myth. American Sociological Review, 71(5), 724-751.
Bosco, F. J. (2004). Human Rights Politics and Scaled Performances of Memory: Conflicts Among the Madres de Plaza de Mayo in Argentina. Social & Cultural Geography, 5(3), 381-402.
Cornils, I., & Waters, S. (Eds.). (2008). Memories of 1968: International Perspectives. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Crimp, D. (1989). Mourning and Militancy. October, 51, 3-18
Gongaware, T. B. (2003). Collective Memories and Collective Identities: Maintaining Unity in Native American Educational Social Movements. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 32(5), 483-520.
Gongaware, T. B. (2010). Collective Memory Anchors: Collective Identity and Continuity in Social Movements. Sociological Focus, 43(3), 214-239.
Gongaware, T. B. (2011). Keying the Past to the Present: Collective Memories and Continuity in Collective Identity Change. Social Movement Studies, 10(1), 39-54.
Hajek, A. (2013). Negotiating Memories of Protest in Western Europe—The Case of Italy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hamilton, C. (2010). Activist Memories: The Politics of Trauma and the Pleasures of Politics. In R. Cronshaw, J. Kilby, & A. Rowland (Eds.), The Future of Memory. Berghahn Books. 265-278
Harris, F. C. (2006). It Takes a Tragedy to Arouse Them: Collective Memory and Collective Action During the Civil Rights Movement. Social Movement Studies, 5(1), 19-43.
Kubal, T., & Becerra, R. (2014). Social Movements and Collective Memory. Sociology Compass, 8(6), 865-875.
Ross, K. (2002). May ’68 and its Afterlives. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Till, K. E. (2008). Artistic and Activist Memory-work: Approaching Place-based Practice. Memory Studies, 1(1), 99-113.
Washington S, Rosier P., & Goodall H. (2006) Echoes from the Poisoned Well: Global Memories of Environmental Injustice. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books
Zamponi, L., & Daphi, P. (2014). Breaks and Continuities In and Between Cycles of Protest. Memories and Legacies of the Global Justice Movement in the Context of Anti-austerity Mobilisations. In D. Della Porta & A. Mattoni (Eds.), Spreading Protests. Social Movements in Times of Crisis. Essex: ECPR-Press. 193-226